"The Glow is a radioactive pit way, way down south. "The Maltese Falcon is a nightclub on the west side. I'd stay clear of him he's not honest, like me." "He's the owner of the Maltese Falcon over on the west side. "He's the mayor of Junktown, that's all I know." Heard they're having some trouble, what with their mayor Killian getting killed and all." Talk about trading the strange for the weird." They controlled the hospital before the Children moved in.

"You can find them over on the northwest edge of Downtown. Go talk to Beth, she knows more about that crap." "Well, they run a big, ol' hospital on the southwest side of Downtown. At first I thought it was either the Water Merchants or the Crimson Caravan, but they've had disappearances too." "Three of my caravans have disappeared in the past month. They do make a damn fine weapon, though." "Oh, they're a bunch of gun freaks up to the northwest. Bob's has got the best charred iguana this side of the desert." She hears lots of rumors, if you're into that kind of stuff." "Uh, Beth's the manager of the Weapon Store. "What do you want with them wackos? Jeez, all that peace preaching and tree hugging. The Children, the Followers and Adytum are there, along with all the gangs and stuff." "Well, it's a big ruined city to the south. The prices are really high and the quality's bad." It's the only place civilized enough to do it." "Well, it's the place where everyone goes to trade in the Boneyard. "Why? What've you heard? I heard it'd been ransacked, but no one knows who did it. Butch Harris Butch Harris's Tell me abouts Raiders who are fanatically religious can be quite dangerous. It is she that makes this hard life worth living." Their poison can be lethal if not looked after." I would wager he is just a little north of here at this moment." They call themselves the Vipers and the Khans." There are two bands of raiders that we know of. "No one knows for certain, but the packs seem to be coming from the northeast." These barbarians attack from the southeast." The Khans are nastier then the Vipers, let me tell you. Their merchants occasionally come to trade, but not often." He leads the raider clans with a heavy fist." (In Shady Sands) He is one of the most dangerous men that has ever set eyes on Shady Sands. You would do well to listen closely to his sayings." It is a rumor of a monster created during the War." We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." He is the most feared man in the wasteland." Mind you, I am asking things because I don't want to see a walkthrough.NPCs with Tell me about Alya Alya's Tell me abouts What is the trigger of this? Additionally, Is it imperative for the experience to be taken through quests, or does the message 'you gain 200 XP for rescuing a slave' is as good anything'? Are there numerous sidequests that aren't essential in the game and which can be 'lost' if one is a bit more, ahem, 'proactive' and goes to places uninvited? The weirdest thing is that when I tried to produce the same results by leaving from a saved game and returning to the village with Ian dead but with the raiders still alive (although trimmed down), the elder's daughter wasn't kidnapped. Having lost Ian already and being a bit conscious about my strengths, I didn't purusue it. However, I also noticed that in one of my saves, and with Ian having been killed, when I returned to the village the elder's daughter was gone and I was supposed to rescue her from the raiders (of which I had eradicated already half). I can either kill all the raiders and rescue the slave girls gaining some experience and a shitload of equipment, having eradicated the raiders. After some saving and a couple of loads, I have the following options. Not having a particular quest and rather uninvited, I went to the nearest settelement (Raiders) having hired Ian. As much as I am interested in it as well, I would like the principle behind it, should someone know it. Since it is only my first game and I am relatively at the beginning (in Shanty Towns, just having killed the Rad Scorpions) I noticed the following. The question has to do with its linearity, its triggers and how it deals with experience. Pathetic, isn't it? I mean, I have had the game for ages and there was always something else to do or play.